Saturday, August 09, 2014

True Meaning

I would like to firstly explain the purpose of me creating this blog - I have had many, many comments from people around me for what may seem like an 'unhealthy obsession', my parents in particular. They constantly say how upset they are about my ink (and piercings), and how they wish I wouldn't do this to myself. They claim they just don't want me to regret it, but you can tell by the way they say it that that's, well, bullshit.

I apologised to my mum the other day for being me. I've tried to get her used to who I am, but with no such luck. I don't think she's ever going to accept it, so I'm just going to have to keep hurting her. That may sound harsh, but it doesn't mean I don't feel guilty about it - I've learned, these last few months especially, to live life as I want, and this is how I wish to do so.

I've tried to explain to them that their subjective viewpoint of tattooing is unreasonable, that not everyone just wants a skull on their neck to say 'Look, here, I have a tattoo,' or 'Hey, I got bored' (not that there's anything wrong with that). Some people (like me) have them to symbolise something deep and meaningful to them. I have three (soon to be four), and they are all more than simple images. They provide me strength when times get tough, they are permanent reminders that things can be okay in the end, they represent the good and bad times in my life, and I will take their beauty to my grave. I love them more than anything, and I will never regret them, when I'm twenty or forty.

None of this sunk in, of course.

Another point I tried raising was that it's a form of artwork. Art has always been a part of my life, and a part of my life it will remain. Tattooing is a special type of artwork that allows for people to wear their favourite form permanently. I don't see it in a negative light, I see it as a gift to be able to showcase something meaningful within a picture. It's a beautiful, beautiful thing.

This brings me back to my main point - this is a blog for those tattoo lovers who struggle like me. For those people who adore the art of tattooing for any/all of its values, be it for the art, meaning or simply because it's awesome, this is dedicated for you. Enjoy!

Alicia x

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